Mustard belongs to the cabbage family such as broccoli, cabbage, found in temperate regions of Europe is quite popular in North Africa and Asia

* benefits of mustard
Helps to get rid of muscle pain
Useful for people with diabetes
Helps in nappy on heart health
Beneficial to the health of skin and hair
Helps reduce cholesterol
Useful for women in menopause
Nutrient* Minerals* Vitamins*
ditary fiber selenium niacin
protein manganese thiamin
fat phosphorus riboflavin
calores magnesium vitamin B6
Mustard is an energizing vegetable that is effective in relieving stiff muscles, painful joints, congested phlegm, tumors and pneumonia. Mustard seeds were also considered useful in the treatment of seizures in children. Mustard powder helps to relieve pain and discomfort caused during menstruation and stimulates blocked flows for climatic reasons. Mustard also helps boost metabolism and help shed off extra fat. Mustard greens have a very good amount of vitamin A that can help in promoting eye health and contains fiber which helps digestion. Nutritional power of magnesium present in mustard helps maintain your health and functioning of blood vessels. You want to understand mustard in your diet to get the fire that much in these lazy and lethargic souls and refresh their interior.
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