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Health Benefits of Pears

Pears Health Services

Digestion and intestinal health: Fruit fleshy pear and fiber plays an important role in human digestion. With a single serving of pears provide 18% of the daily requirement of fiber intake, which can be a strong agent for health and digestive function. Most of the fiber is in pears insoluble polysaccharides (NSP), which means that acts as a bulking agent in the intestines.
 Collect food and adds volume so that it is easier to pass through the intestines. It also stimulates the secretion of gastric and digestive juices so the food is moved gently in a digested state. Regulates bowel movements and reduces the chances of constipation and diarrhea and loose stools because it adds that most of bowel movements. Moreover, the sandy nature of the fiber pear lets you join carcinogens and free radicals in the colon and protects the body from its effects.

Calories pearsinfoLow: One of the complaints that people have about different fruits is the calorie content, mainly from natural sugars. However, pears are one of the lowest calorie fruits; medium pear has just over 100 calories, which is 5% of daily calories for a healthy diet. However, nutritional supplements that gives you is immense, and the fiber makes you feel full.
 Therefore, people trying to lose weight often turn pears for the "value for money". This is a high energy, high nutritious foods with a low impact on weight gain and obesity.

Antioxidant activity: Like many other fruits, pears are a mine of antioxidants that fight against various diseases and conditions in the body. Antioxidants function to scavenge free radicals in the body are accumulated in cellular metabolism.
 These free radicals mutate the DNA of healthy cells into cancer cells and can cause a number of other devastating diseases. Therefore, components antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin A and flavonoid compounds such as beta-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthine and, located on pears, can significantly help to rid the body of these dangerous compounds.

The health of the immune system: Similarly, the body's immune system is also stimulated by the antioxidant activity and vitamin-C. Vitamin C has long been known to be beneficial for the immune system because it stimulates the production and activity of white blood cells.
Traditionally, fruits like pears simply removing conditions such as colds, flu, or other benign diseases a boost immune system could help heal fast is suggested.

Cancer Prevention: Antioxidants are mainly rented for their anticancer activities, and pears were related to the prevention of a number of different cancers, including colon, rectum, breast, prostate and lung. This is not unique to pears, but score high in antioxidants, compared to many other fruits.

potassium content: Pears are a wonderful source of potassium, which means that pears can have a significant impact on heart health, because potassium is a known vasodilator. This means that the blood pressure is reduced, reducing fatigue of the entire cardiovascular system and makes it difficult for blood clots or damage you. Moreover, increases blood flow to all parts of the body, which oxygenates the organs and promotes its efficient operation. Lowering blood pressure is also connected to a lower likelihood of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes ,. Finally, functions as a regulator of potassium in the body fluid, which means maintaining the various parts of the hydrated body, and ensures the balance of essential fluids in cells and organs. Without potassium, many of our most essential functions would be slowed or stopped completely!

Healing and repair of wound tissue: Vitamin C is also essential for the synthesis of new tissue in various organs and structures of the cell body. This keeps the body's metabolism smoothly and ensure that all functions are working properly.
 Furthermore, healing is accelerated by high levels of ascorbic acid, so that small wounds, cuts and damages for injuries and illnesses can be fixed faster if high levels of this essential nutrient diet, which provide added pears. It also helps repair damaged blood vessels, which reduces the stress on the cardiovascular system and prevents heart diseases to develop.

Improves circulation and red blood cells Count: For patients suffering from anemia or other mineral deficiencies, pears can be very useful, because it contains copper and iron. Copper facilitate and improve the absorption of minerals in the system, and increased blood levels of red iron means that the synthesis of the cell increases. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin and anemia is another name for iron deficiency. You can avoid fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, muscle weakness and organ system dysfunction by eating foods rich in iron and copper, both of which are found in significant amounts in pears.

Congenital malformations: Folate is another valuable nutritional components pears. Folic acid is positively correlated with a reduction in neural tube defects in newborns, fruits rich in folic acid to eat like pears can protect the health and happiness of your baby, so pregnant women are always encouraged to control their levels of folic acid.

Reducing inflammation: Components antioxidant flavonoids and pears can also induce anti-inflammatory effects in the body and reduce pain associated with inflammatory diseases.
 This includes reducing the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatic diseases, gout and similar conditions. Most fruits have these effects, but are not as effective citrus.

Bone Health: The high mineral content pears, including magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium and copper, which means you can reduce bone mineral loss and diseases such as osteoporosis and the general weakness of debilitating body due to lack of support bone.

Skin, hair and eyes: One of the most versatile in the human body vitamins is vitamin A. Pears are rich in vitamin A, and subsequent components such as lutein and zea-xanthin. Act as an antioxidant, as well as participation in a series of enzymatic reactions and organ functions, pears can reduce the effects of aging on the skin, such as wrinkles and age spots.
This powerful fruit also helps reduce hair loss, macular degeneration, cataracts, and several other conditions associated with the aging process.

A word of caution: There are no known risks to health or interactions with pears, but there are ongoing studies. However, since some people suffer from allergic to certain types of fruit reactions, monitor the behavior and response of your body if you normally do not eat pears, and only eat an adequate amount, no more than a pear one day.Nutritional pears

In addition to their availability and their flavor, pears were also valued for their medicinal properties for thousands of years. Modern science now tells us the content of the fruit, and mineral, vitamins, and content of organic compound pear species is the reason for its broad health potential. Some of these active components are effective and potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, phenolic compounds, folate, fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, and vitamin B complex

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