Some of the benefits of elderberry major health are their ability to stimulate the immune system function, protect against bacteria and infections, reduce the spread of cancer,
moderating the digestive process, prevent the development of diabetes, reduce pain and speed associated with autoimmune diseases, helps with weight loss, lower blood pressure and relieve allergies.
Elderberries result from the plant known as Sambucus flowers, flowers or greater commonly called elderly. The full scientific name of the most common variant, from which we get most of our elderberry, Sambucus nigra. You will find elderberries mainly in the northern hemisphere, especially in Europe and North America, although some species are grown in South Australia.
The berries are black or very dark blue, and have a strong sweet flavor that makes them very popular for desserts, syrups, jams, jellies, spreads, and as a basis for a variety of cocktails and drinks. Many people think that elderberries Theis scientific name of Sambuca are provided, but in reality this is not true. Elderberry wine is very popular and can be done simply at home.

Most of the genus Sambucus berries are toxic, with the exception of Sambucus nigra, and even then, caution is advised and cook fruits before eating is always a good choice. Branches, leaves, branches and all species contain traces of cyanide, which can accumulate in your body and eventually kill you, so beware! However, despite the risks of elder, which are full of beneficial nutrients, which have been part of traditional medicine for hundreds of years, and some of the health benefits even made into the mainstream.
The recent popularity of elderberries can be attributed in large part to the discovery of its many health benefits, which are explained below!
ElderberryNutritional elderberry Value
moderating the digestive process, prevent the development of diabetes, reduce pain and speed associated with autoimmune diseases, helps with weight loss, lower blood pressure and relieve allergies.
Elderberries result from the plant known as Sambucus flowers, flowers or greater commonly called elderly. The full scientific name of the most common variant, from which we get most of our elderberry, Sambucus nigra. You will find elderberries mainly in the northern hemisphere, especially in Europe and North America, although some species are grown in South Australia.
The berries are black or very dark blue, and have a strong sweet flavor that makes them very popular for desserts, syrups, jams, jellies, spreads, and as a basis for a variety of cocktails and drinks. Many people think that elderberries Theis scientific name of Sambuca are provided, but in reality this is not true. Elderberry wine is very popular and can be done simply at home.

Most of the genus Sambucus berries are toxic, with the exception of Sambucus nigra, and even then, caution is advised and cook fruits before eating is always a good choice. Branches, leaves, branches and all species contain traces of cyanide, which can accumulate in your body and eventually kill you, so beware! However, despite the risks of elder, which are full of beneficial nutrients, which have been part of traditional medicine for hundreds of years, and some of the health benefits even made into the mainstream.
The recent popularity of elderberries can be attributed in large part to the discovery of its many health benefits, which are explained below!
ElderberryNutritional elderberry Value
Elderberries are a very nutritious contribution, including minerals such as iron, potassium, phosphorus and copper, and vitamins such as vitamin A, B, and C, protein and dietary fiber.
Add some of the beneficial organic compounds which act as anti-inflammatories and antioxidants in the body, and you have a powerful bay!
Elderberry Health Services
Digestive Health: Although most fruits and vegetables can help you hit your fiber goals for the day, some fruits can boast of more than 40% of your daily requirement of fiber in one serving. Elderberries are packed with fiber, which can help eliminate constipation, reduce excess gas, and generally increase the health of your digestive system. Fiber can also help increase the efficiency of nutrient absorption in the intestine so you get more for their food!
Cardiovascular protection: Looks like heart health and fruits and vegetables go hand in hand, and rightly so. Rich in fiber levels help eliminate excess cholesterol in the system and make room for the "good" cholesterol that the body needs. This can help eliminate the possibility of development of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular problems.
High levels of potassium in elderberries also protects the heart by releasing the tension of blood vessels and arteries. As a vasodilator, potassium can significantly lower blood pressure and keep your heart healthy!
Respiratory: When it comes to clarify a sore throat, cough, colds, bronchitis, or other problem that affects your respiratory system, juice elderberry might be your best option.
Like many cough syrups, elderberries contain active ingredients (bioflavonoids and anthocyanins, to be exact) that can calm inflammation and irritation and also act as an expectorant and clear phlegm that can trap foreign agents in their glands. Juice Elderberry even recommended for people with asthma.
Immune Health: It seems that people like to talk about elderberries in relation to their effects on the immune system. It has some anti-bacterial and anti-infective properties, and is used frequently to protect against flu for the poorest seasons where it seems that everyone is catching.
Furthermore, elderberry can boost the immune system against itself, protecting against the effects of autoimmune diseases, including relieve some symptoms and pain associated with AIDS.
Diabetes Support: Some of the active antioxidant ingredients in elderberry work directly in the pancreas to regulate the levels of stability or insulin and glucose for people who have diabetes or nondiabetic help to prevent the development of this terrible disease.
Bone health and inflammation: While the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds found in Elderberry can help relieve joint pain and pain of inflammation, high levels of essential minerals help promote resistance developing bone and new bone tissue.
Osteoporosis is a condition that millions of people face a future, but the increase in bone density during their younger years can significantly delay the onset.
Skin Health: The elderberry way into many cosmetic applications, mainly because the bioflavonoids in elderberries plays a very important role for the skin.
The antioxidant activity, combined with high levels of vitamin A, to perfect the elderly to prevent or reduce wrinkles, age spots helping to fade, and generally improve the brightness and tone of the largest and most visible organ your body!
Weight Loss Booster: Consider the high level of dietary fiber, combined with the effects of metabolism-accelerating solid minerals and vitamins, elderberries are helpful for weight loss injection.
Fiber keeps you feeling full, the low number of calories does not affect consumption in excess, but you also get dozens of other health benefits as well!
One last word of caution: Given that so few species are edible, it is always advisable to find elderberries in a store licensed and reputable. No pick berries of wild elderberry and suggested to cook all the berries before eating, as they may contain traces of hazardous cyanide.
Also, be allergic to plants honeysuckle family is not uncommon, so be careful to upgrade their food allergies before adding to your diet elderberry. Finally, elderberries are known to act as diuretics for some people, so if you're already struggling with kidney problems and can exacerbate elderberries.